One of the common pathologies of the skin is considered to be a fungus between the toes of the feet. The treatment depends in large part on diseases and the degree of negligence. Most often to correct the signs of fungal infection are named antifungal funds in a variety of forms. The initial phase of the disease are quite effective traditional methods that you can use at home without danger to health.
The causes of the disease
According to the medical condition is contact with the skin of a fungal infection that causes fungus of the toenails. In the case of the immunity of the human body rejects the infection and the disease does not develop. But a lot of people the immune system is weakened, which is a favorable environment for the development of the disease.
You can take a patient to the man by direct contact, as well as during the use of the general subjects of hygiene. Towels, home shoes and other things will be the source of the infection. The contributing factors are:
- Dermatologic diseases are chronic with exacerbations — eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis.
- Wear it on a permanent base in the narrow and uncomfortable shoes artificial materials.
- Regular infringement of rules of personal hygiene.
- The deficit in the body of vitamins and minerals compounds.
- Strengthened work of sweat glands, leading to what his fingers between the legs wet. This causes the development of the infection and the intense the breeding of pathogens.
- Frequent injuries of the skin of the feet.
- The violation of metabolic processes.
- Vascular pathology of the lower limbs.
- Ulcers, trophic, or ulceration in the area of the fingers and toes.
- The fungal infection of the fingernails, passing over the space between the fingers.
In the risk group are the people who, on a permanent basis frequent the saunas, baths or swimming pools. In these locations, the accumulation of the fungal infection the greater, and for an infection just a few minutes to be in the shower cabin, where it stopped an infected person. In particular, often, the fungus develops in children at school or kindergarten is in close contact with the sick.
The symptoms of mycosis
Before treating fungal infections between the toes, you need to know how it looks like and what are the symptoms appear. Most often the disease manifests itself as follows:

- The initial stage is not different marked symptoms and may go unnoticed for many people. To stretch the skin between the fingers, appear the cracks, which becomes unhealthy. The epidermis is different, because of the drought and exfoliate the scales. The sick are concerned about the itching and a slight burning sensation. This is especially felt in the night, when the feet freed from the footwear.Active stage should be primary, and manifested the most intense of the signs. On the place of peeling red patches appear. Itching accompanies the person at all times, which leads to an irritation of the epidermis and on the strength of the gale.
- Progressive stage characterized by the appearance of bubbles of small size, filled with a transparent liquid. During the contact with the fabric socks and shoes bubbles burst, and in their place appears to be weeping surface and sores that often bleed. With time, these areas are covered with crusts of brown or yellow.
- Launched the stage is characterized by a proliferation of the disease on the surrounding tissue of the nail plate. The nails turn yellow, stratified and crumble. When you try to remove the crust in their place, form open wounds, a long time could not be processed. The bacteria on the surface of the sore is developing rapidly and moving in the deeper layers. The pain accompanies the person permanently, to prevent the circulation, the skin is hyperemic and edematous. Constantly new bubbles filled with liquid and pus. If the treatment is missing, the disease may reach the muscle layer. Get rid of it will be very difficult.
The main characteristic of the fungus at any stage will become the bad smell of the feet, even after the recent washing and the treatment of the shoes. In shoes also accumulate bacteria, and it requires the cleaning chemicals with disinfectant. The most feared complication of the disease process will become the infiltration of the fungal infection in the blood and the development of fungal infections of the internal organs.
The methods of diagnosis

A dermatologist just to carefully inspect the skin between the fingers, in order to determine the fungus. But to further refine the diagnosis is made special scraping of the affected areas the objective of the research on the type of infection.
In laboratory conditions, to make bacteriological seeding equipment received and identify the exact type of the pathogen. After this, the specialist can prescribe the appropriate treatment.
An important point in the diagnosis to identify the causes and mode of transmission of the infection. You also need to determine the stage of the disease. If the patient before referring to a specialist in contact with other people or family members, should conduct a preventive treatment of all households, in order to prevent infection.
Drug therapy
The treatment of mycosis of the toes depends on the extent of the disease. The initial phase, you can heal the means in the form of ointments or solutions. Advanced cases are amenable only to the combination of tablets of medicines outside to achieve maximum results in the short term.
To determine the best option, in each particular case must only be the treating physician. You can't even treat athlete's foot with home medicines, because they often have contraindications and side effects, often cause allergic reactions.
If the treatment is ineffective for 4 weeks, the patient's condition worsens, the doctor resumed scraping of the farms of the area. It is necessary, in order to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to used the drug.
The revenue of alternative medicine
In house conditions allowed to use some of the remedies that help to stop the progression of the disease. The initial stages of fungal infection may be cured by means such as:

- Normal soda and salt. The use must be in the form of trays, to dissolve in 3 litres of water a tablespoon of each tool. The duration of the family therapy session — at least 20 minutes. The water should be warm, but not hot. Repeat the procedure to be followed all the days, duration of training is 2 weeks. The best time for the treatment before going to bed.
- Concoction herbal base of chamomile, of celandine and the leaves of plantain will be the best household remedy with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Cook simple: separate the 50 grams of each ingredient, carefully cut and boil 3 litres of water at least 5 minutes. Filtered the tool is ready to use after 20 minutes maceration. In the broth, it is necessary to lower the feet and keep them up to complete cooling. Therapy before bedtime every day for 2-3 weeks.
- A dining room vinegar is authorized to apply daily to clean the areas between the toes or in the form of a lotion. The second option is suitable for the initial phase, when the site of the defeat of the small. The wraps are made from a cotton swab, previously soaked in vinegar 9% and applied to the place of defeat in 20 minutes. In the day has allowed 3 procedures. The therapeutic effect visible after 10 days of regular use.
- Alcoholic Solution of iodine 5% helps to get rid of a fungal infection of 2 weeks. The treatment should be done in the morning and in the evening. Before the procedure of the feet, it is recommended to steam in a hot bath and let it dry with a towel. The treatment must address not only the skin, but the plate of the nail so that the infection does not spread. Such a method must be used only in the initial phase. In case of contact with iodine into open wounds greatly increases the risk of blight and the deterioration of the patient's condition.
- The Potassium permanganate on the initial phase is allowed to be used for the treatment of lesions or steaming feet. For the preparation of the solution in a pot of water, add a few crystals to get desaturated a pinkish tinge. In the received solution, you can climb 20 minutes per day, or wet a cotton ball and several times a day to lubricate the area of the inflammation. Typically, it takes 2 weeks of regular use, or another way to get rid of the mold.
- The birch tar, you can buy at the pharmacy. Apply it must be the pure state on the problem areas and the nail plate. The layer must be thin, the time of the exhibition — not more than 40 minutes, because it is quite aggressive tool and causes quite often allergic reactions. In case of impossibility to obtain a permit simply to wash the feet every night soap tar. The duration of therapy of tar must not exceed 10 days. The soap as a prevention is allowed to use on a permanent basis.

The use of a folk remedy requires a pre-consultation with a specialist in order to prevent complications.
The prevention of the infection
Prevent disease help of simple preventive measures. You need to strictly adhere to the rules of hygiene, to prefer the socks and shoes from natural materials, the time of treating a disease of the skin on the legs or minor injuries. After the visit of the swimming pool or sauna, it is advisable to treat the feet with antiseptic solutions and prevent the use of foreign nationals for personal hygiene.
If the first signs of fungal infection, it is advisable to start the treatment. This will get rid of the problems in a short term and avoid complications.